Visit the Walnut Wellness Café

We’ve got an exciting announcement to make!

As California Walnuts are little nutrition powerhouses, we’re sponsoring the nutrition hub at The Happy Place Festival at Chiswick House and Gardens on the 13th and 14th July and at Tatton Park on 31st August to 1st September.

So, if you’re there, make sure to come visit our Walnut Wellness Café, and find out all about why a healthy handful of California Walnuts each day is a great choice – and to trya some tasty walnut recipes too!

We’ll be joined at the Walnut Wellness Café by nutritionist Claire Baseley who will be providing tips on how Walnut Wellness can help you.

Claire is a highly qualified, award-winning Registered Nutritionist, with a degree in Biological Science from Oxford University, a Masters of Medical Sciences in Human Nutrition from Sheffield University and 20 years of experience in the food industry and the civil service,  championing public health.

Find out more and book your tickets here