Latest News and Blogs2022-09-21T12:57:29+00:00

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Heart-healthy recipes

Heart-healthy recipes Scientific research suggests California Walnuts may offer benefits to your heart, for example a handful of walnuts a

Sweet Treats for Valentine’s Day

Sweet Treats for Valentine’s Day Everyone deserves a sweet treat on Valentine’s Day, and maybe even more so this year.

New research shows that a green Mediterranean diet can reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by half, by reducing intrahepatic fat

New research*, supported by the California Walnut Commission, shows that a green Mediterranean diet can reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Harvard research links eating walnuts to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Harvard research links eating walnuts to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease  Research carried out by machine

How California Walnuts can help support overall wellbeing and immunity

How California Walnuts Can Help Support Overall Wellbeing and Immunity As we move into a new year, finding easy ways

Get #ChristmasCracked with our Festive Menu

Get #ChristmasCracked with our Festive Menu “I love cooking with California Walnuts. Their unique taste and texture means they’re a

New research suggests that a green Mediterranean diet may be even better for cardiovascular health and weight loss, than the traditional Mediterranean diet

New research suggests that a green Mediterranean diet may be even better for cardiovascular health and weight loss, than the
Orzo Salad

Fabulous family meal ideas with California Walnuts

Fabulous family meal ideas All of a sudden you may have noticed that family meal times during the week are

Heart healthy recipes

Heart healthy recipes As the only tree nut to contain a significant amount of the plant-based omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA),